A couple of updates...
My booklet for the Grand Africa cruise came today. One major difference from the past is that we have to pay for the luggage sent to the ship up front (some people have free service based on their cabin category) whereas in the past it was added to your onboard account. HAL is using Luggage Forward instead of dealing directly with FedEx so that may be the reason.
It appears that all necessary visas can be obtained onboard by HAL - some free and some with a fee added to my onboard account. One less thing to have to do!
I also seem to be good with vaccinations. Yellow Fever is good for life and I got that five years ago. I will be getting my yearly flu shot and my second COVID booster in September.
In my last post I mentioned that word was going around about canceling your entire cruise if you tested positive for COVID within the two days before your cruise. In an update, we found that HAL has yet to decide on a policy for the Grand Voyages. The Grand Africa in October will be the first "Grand" since 2020. That was very reassuring. Also, some cruise lines are dropping the requirement for testing before a cruise just like that requirement was dropped for those flying into the US. We will see what the next three months brings.
Smooth sailing until next time...