Friday, October 14, 2022

Horrendous News!

When we took the Covid test this morning, I tested positive.  After I took their test, I took one of the ones I had brought with me - it was positive, also.  I had managed to dodge Covid for 2 1/2 years.  At least it wasn't last Friday when a positive result would have meant I couldn't go on the cruise.

I called the Medical Centre and they sent two nurses to double check the test and tell me to stay in my cabin.  Later they called and asked for a medical history.  I have no symptoms unless they are piggy-backing the symptoms of the sinus infection I have had since before I was tested last Friday. (Some of them are similar.)

I have now made it through four hours and it seems like days.  I have knitted, walked steps for each hour, watched the port presentation on the TV, filed my nails, knitted, played games on the computer, watched MSNBC, downloaded, and checked out a few websites. 

I just found out that I will not be tested again until the morning of the 20th which means I have six days in my cabin rather than the five I inferred from their letter.  I really will be nuts by then.

I am also worrying that I will put on a lot of weight eating my way through six days.  I just finished lunch (chili and quesadilla).  I have asked for dinner at 8.  They are giving me paper menus for each meal and I can call Room Service if I want something else.

That's all for now.  I will update as things progress.



  1. Maybe you can sleep a lot. Study your trivia online? Maybe divvy up the days into 1-2 hour blocks and assign "tasks" for those time blocks? Will you miss any ports?

    1. Dividing the day up sounds like a good idea. I will miss at least two ports, possibly three.

  2. So sorry to hear this Kathi. I can truly sympathize having been in the same situation in May on The Rotterdam. I tested positive on the 22nd and would have never known if they hadn’t tested the entire ship prior to the Naming Ceremony since I had absolutely no symptoms. Fortunately I tested negative the morning of the Naming Ceremony so was able to attend that. A I recall, the 9 days I was in isolation were incredibly boring so my heart goes out to you & wish you the very best!

    1. 9 days sound like living hell! I would not make a good prisoner.

  3. Oh Kathi! I can’t even believe this! I’m so sorry, sending lots of positive vibes that your next test is negative.

    1. Thanks, Kara. I am keeping my fingers crossed that it is only 6 days. If you read Nancy's comment above, she had to stay in nine days!

  4. I am so sorry. I am shocked. I looked at the itinerary and sadly, looks like you may miss Madeira and Morocco. Had you been to those ports before? But you will be out of stir before Tunisia, Jordan and Egypt! Yeah for that! How many books do you have? With a mask will they let you walk your hall or outside? Sending cyber hugs and positive thoughts. 6 days out of 212, let’s think of it that way! Mathematically that means 98+% of the time you will be out and about! Take care of you xo

    1. Thanks for the math! I can only open my door to get my food or put out my tray. I will miss at least two and possible three ports. One of them we are going on during the world voyage. I have nine more books to read and plenty of knitting. Watching lots of MSNBC.

  5. I have been reading and enjoying your blog. My husband and I are signed up for this cruise in 2023. I am so sorry that you have succumbed to Covid. I will pray for your speedy recovery. Do you meditate or do yoga? Have you heard how many have tested positive. Maybe your blog followers can play one small part in making your day go faster.

  6. Thanks for your prayers. The internet is a life-line to the outside and some people are even posting trivia questions for me.

  7. Kathi this is such a bummer. Is there anything we can smuggle to you? We don't have paper books but could lend you a kindle.

  8. Hi Kathi Thanks for taking the time to blog and letting us follow your adventure.
    So sorry for your testing positive now but the bright side is that you will have many days following to have extra immunity in your system,.
    Good for you to achieve your walking goal but be mindful of the more frequent twist and turns needed on your knees and hip..


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