Thursday, October 13, 2022

A Few Bumps in the Road

With our Cruise Critic Cabin Crawl today, I woke at six and could not get back to sleep.  I used that extra time to get on the internet and post yesterday's pictures.  Last night the internet came and went and absolutely refused to allow me to upload my pictures.  So, if you read yesterday's blog and didn't see any pictures, go back and have a look.

I had told my room steward that I would be out by 9:30 so that he could clean and separate the beds.  Since I was up so early (for me!), I went to the Lido and got a glass of juice and a bowl of Cheerios.  Instead of the individual boxes of cereal they used to have, now there are dispensers where you turn the handle and out comes the cereal.

There is definitely more motion today and many of us are doing some staggering as we navigate the hallways.  I was going to take a walk outside but it was very windy so I walked the halls instead.

I looked in my cabin at just after 10 and he was finished.  It looks so much bigger with the beds separated.

It was then time to meet the other hosts for the Cabin Crawl.  We started out first to look at the cabins and stayed when we got to our own.  There were many "tourists" who came by to see the cabins but Heather, who was in charge, said only about half who had signed up actually took part.  We were able to see a couple of inside cabins (which were very different from each other), some ocean view, two balconies, and one huge suite.  My "info wall" and map were a big hit.

When it was over, I took a brief nap before heading to 1pm trivia.  I tried eating after trivia for the first time and am not sure if I have a preference between eating times.  I am sure one will develop as we go along.

In crafts, we made a little pouch to hold the sewing supplies that we need for some of the projects.  Nancy has given us a list so we know whether to bring our jewelry, sewing, or paper supplies.

I went straight to the Crow's Nest for 4:30 trivia and couldn't figure out where my team was.  Someone finally came along and said trivia had been moved to "Mix" (one of the bar areas).

I am still getting used to the change in dinner time.  Early sitting remained the same but Main sitting is now at 7:30 instead of 8 and the late show begins at 9:00 instead of 9:30.

Good prime rib for dinner tonight.  The show was called "Swing, Swing, Swing", and, as you probably guessed featured music from the Swing Era.  This was presented by the Zaandam Singers and Dancers - 4 dancers and 4 singers.  Once upon a time I think they had more dancers.  The show lasted 30 minutes - again I think they used to be 40-45 minutes.  It might just be this show that was shorter.  We shall see.

At noon the captain had announced that tomorrow everyone will be given a do-it-yourself Covid test kit.  Between 9:30 and 11:00.  Everyone has to put their name, cabin number, date, and the time the test was taken on a piece of paper, put the test on the paper, wait 10 minutes and then take a picture of the results with a mobile device.  If your test is negative, you then have to report the results to your cabin steward and you are free.  A positive result is taken care of by the Medical Centre and you stay put.  Evidently, we will be doing this from time to time.  If there are good results from the entire ship, the mask mandate may be lifted.

We lose another hour tonight.

Smooth sailing until next time!

1pm trivia - we had 11 out of 17 - four winning teams had 12

1.  What is the largest known land animal?

2.  What mountain range lies between France and Spain?

3.  Which of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World was the first to be built?

4.  Zanzibar is an island of which African country?

5.  "in spite of everything, I still believe people are good at heart," is the last line of which movie?

1.  elephant

2.  Pyrenees

3.  Pyramids

4.  Tanzania

5.  The Diary of Anne Frank

4:30 trivia - we had 14 out of 18, winners had 16

1.  What color is the Himalayan poppy flower?

2.  What is the largest island in the world?

3.  Which planet has the most gravity?

4.  Which mammal does not have vocal cords?

5.  How many hearts does an octopus have?

1.  blue

2.  Greenland

3.  Jupiter

4.  giraffe

5.  three

Note : my two and a half years trivia has made me a less than stellar player (I stink!).

Sewing kit and pouch

my info wall

the letter about testing

my newly arranged room

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