Saturday, October 15, 2022

Day 1 of Solitary Confinement - Friday, October 14

This was a very long day.  

My day consisted of:




    playing computer games

    reading facebook

    going through threads on Cruise Critic

    visiting websites

    reorganizing my knitting things

    making a countdown board

In the afternoon, Judy (for those who remember the three Judys of 2018 and 2020, this was Judy Bob) brought me the craft project of the day which was a lavender filled sachet and a bottle of shoe spray.

I still had some of my own iced tea and drank that through the day although they will bring me other things if I ask.  I will likely run out and when I do, I will start getting some diet cokes brought to the cabin.  My refrigerator is more of a freezer, so I have to take the ice and the tea out a couple of hours before I want them to let them thaw.

The internet has been a life saver and Holland America actually gave the infected free internet for the duration although I had already purchased a package.

I just managed to get my four miles in for the day right before midnight.

I expected it to be hard to get to sleep (and even contemplated taking a sleeping pill) but I fell asleep quickly and slept well.

One down - at least five to go.

Smooth sailing until next time!


  1. One day down! You walked 4 miles in your cabin??? That is impressive Kathi! That was so nice of Judy Bob, I think she’s my favorite Judy 😜. Sorry about the iced tea situation, you can’t make more in your cabin? Hang in there and remember, a day quarantined in your cabin is still better than a day pre-retirement, right?

    1. The days seem about the same length as pre-retirement - long!

  2. That comment above was me, forgot to put in my name before publishing.

  3. Kathi, so sorry to hear about your quarantine! I am glad you aren't suffering symptoms. I'm on the Westerdam now and fingers crossed I don't test positive. Here, even if you are in a cabin by yourself, you have to pack everything and move. Good luck with keeping yourself busy and your mind occupied. Keep writing -- I really enjoy your blog.

    1. Yikes! If I had to pack all my stuff that would make me sick!

  4. I am so impressed you got in 4 miles! Do you know how many other passengers are also quarantined? Can you make more tea? Maybe they can larger container of hot water. I bet your knitting supplies are very organized! Yeah to Judy Bob. Take care and thanks for the update!


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