Sunday, October 23, 2022

 A Quiet Sea Day - October 23

I went to Sit and Stitch but the Judys were not there.  I sat and worked on a shawl until just after 11 when I returned to my cabin.  Today was the first day that I filled my thermos with my tea to take to lunch.  It worked well except for the fact that I had to crack the ice to get some tea.

After lunch I went to 1pm trivia.  The couple (Ozzie and Lucia) with whom I played yesterday were there so we teamed up again.

Today's craft was to make a card with a handkerchief in it.  I had decided yesterday that I was not going to battle the hordes to get a place.  Instead, I decided to spend the afternoon in the sun.  The Sea View Pool was closed (and drained) because they were putting in the new ladders which I had seen them doing to the Lido Pool (mid-ship) the other day.  I wanted sun and the movable roof over the Lido Pool was only open a small bit so I sat on the back deck.  It was entertaining watching the people installing the ladders.  It looked like two were local (not HAL staff) and they were doing the work.  There were two others who were HAL staff and they were not happy with the way the tiles had been set around the railing.  Eventually the local guys had to take up the yellow tiles they had laid and change them with blue ones.

After an hour in the sun, I switched to the Lido pool.  There were too many people in the pool to swim laps (two people were attempting it, unsuccessfully), so I did some water aerobics for about 15 minutes.  I really do not like the new ladders they have installed.  The old ones were more like steps that were staggered, the new ones are just ladders with one rung above the next (harder on arthritic knees).

Then time to change for 4pm trivia (have I mentioned how much I dislike the trivias so close together?).  All the teams I could see had six people (the maximum) so I played with dismal results on my own.

Another trip to guest services.  I wanted to ask someone else about yesterday's questions but the same young lady was there, so I went with today's inquiry.  I think I have mentioned that the fridge in my cabin freezes everything.  If I take my iced tea pitcher out when I wake up, it will have defrosted sufficiently to actually pour some tea by lunch time.  The young lady said she thought there were no more fridges (likely why I got the "freezer" when they forgot to put one in my cabin at the beginning) but she would send someone to look at it.

It was a lovely day so I took four laps around the deck and got in another mile+.  The sun was beautiful so when it was time for it to set (5:43 today) I went out to take some pictures.

Worked on the blog before getting ready for dinner.  I was able to get yesterday's pictures up fairly quickly when last night they would not upload at all.

All five of us were back tonight (Sherry and Pete were not there last night).  The entertainment was a pianist which I skipped since I have an early tour tomorrow. I did do a lap around the deck.

The forecast for tomorrow is for 90 degrees and sun.  The Captain said that was rather unusual for late in October (Tunis is a little farther north of the equator than Raleigh, NC and the average high for October is 80).  I have an eight-hour tour.  Why do those long tours sound better at home when I book them???😖

1pm trivia - we had 10/18, the winners had 13

1.  In what city were the 1972 Summer Olympics held?

2.  What was Sonny and Cher's first hit song?

3.  Who directed the first Star Wars movie?

4.  How many Grammys did Elvis win?

5.  What does the medical term "intergluteal cleft" refer to?

6.  What is the actual name of the pound/hashtag character?

1.  Munich

2.  I Got You, Babe

3.  Spielberg

4.  three

5.  butt crack

6.  octothorpe

4pm trivia - I had only 4/17, the winners said they had all correct

1.  What is the best-selling item at Wal-Mart?

2.  What does "kosher" mean in Hebrew?

3.  What company was originally called "Cadabra"?

4.  What is the only body part which is fully grown at birth?

5.  What U.S state's constitution is the longest in the world?

1.  bananas

2.  proper

3.  Amazon

4.  eyes

5.  Alabama

Smooth sailing until next time!

Working on the ladders



  1. I here ya about planning tours at home - compared to how you feel the night before a 8 am departure!

  2. I’m not sure I will like those ladders either. We will only be onboard for a couple of weeks, but I would like to keep up with my water exercise that I do at home. Wish they offered water aerobics classes on the ship!


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