Tuesday, October 18, 2022


Day 5 of Solitary Confinement – Tuesday, October 18, 2022 – Madeira


We were docked when I woke up.  I could see the roof of the terminal from my window.  The town was on the port side so I never saw any of Madeira.


I had decided against breakfast (they haven’t had the bread pudding on the menu since the day I had it) because there was nothing I really wanted.  I am trying to get back into my usual routine (no breakfast) in hopes that I will be set free soon.  As you read in my update post, I found out that I could be in here for another five days.  Needless to say, that pretty much ruined the rest of my day.


I called about a lunch menu and found out there isn’t one on port days.  I had a Caesar salad and a caprese sandwich from the regular in-room dining menu.  I ordered the chocolate chip cookies for dessert, thinking I would get two – I got four!  I am keeping them for a rainy day (figuratively).  There also were no news channels on while in port.


I spent the afternoon finishing my blue socks and trying to find a repeat in the new batch of yarn I brought for socks.  Most color changing yarn follows a pattern – yellow turns to green, green to blue, blue to purple and back to Yellow to green, etc. for example.  I unwound half of each ball of yarn and could not find a repeat.  In the process, I got the yarn all tangled up and spent about two hours getting it untangled.  Hey, I didn’t have anything more exciting to do.  I expect when I get ¾ of the way through the socks, I will finally find a repeat but I will not be ripping the socks apart.  I will just have a pair of crazy stripe socks.


The internet has been fading in and out all day.  I am typing this on Word and then will cut and paste into my blog because I cannot get a connection.  The service had been very good (for a ship) for the last few days.


Dinner was good with the Portuguese custard tart for dessert.  It was amazing!  I finished the book I started on Saturday while eating dinner.


The two movies today are “Duke” and “Family Squares”.  Neither sounded interesting.  I walked 4.86 miles but it is getting real old going back and forth.


Before I went to bed, I took another of the do-it-yourself Covid tests and it came out negative!  Tomorrow is my test from the Medical Centre and I am hoping they get the same result.  They will show up sometime during the day and call me with the results.  Not sure if this is one of the rapid tests or PCR. I am trying not to get too excited about the negative result since theirs is the one that counts.  I’ll keep you posted.


Smooth sailing until next time!

My only two views of Madeira - through my dirty window


Finished socks

the Portuguese custard tart

A beautiful sight

crossed off another day

1 comment:

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