Wednesday, October 19, 2022

 Day 6 of Solitary Confinement - Wednesday, October 19 - Arrecife

The nurse woke me with her call at 8:30. After she asked how I was, she said we will be coming to test you tomorrow.  Wait!  What is this tomorrow thing?  I responded that I had been told the testing was today.  "No," she said, "tomorrow."  Well, thanks for waking me up and ruining my day in one fell swoop.  I received an email from Mary Anne that she had just been told the same thing.  Neither of us was very happy.

I puttered around the cabin, muttering unprintable words about the medical centre, the nurse, whoever told us testing was today, and anybody else I could think of.  At least, I got lots of steps in while I was fuming!

I sent out a load of laundry so I wouldn't run out of clothes when they finally let me out.

We did not arrive until 11:00 and I was able to see land as we docked.  At least I have a view today.  We will be here on the World Voyage and I planned to take an excursion then.  I had been planning just to walk around town today so I didn't miss anything exciting (other than being able to breathe fresh air).

Because we are in port, I had to order lunch from the regular in-room dining menu.  I decided to try the pulled pork sub (ok) and my favorite chocolate cake.  (I think I have eaten more chocolate during confinement than all the rest of this year put together!)  I also tried the fruit and cheese plate which was good.

I spent the afternoon watching the excursion and port presentations on the TV and crocheting the Linus blanket I am making.  I finished half of it.

Both the TV channels (the sad selection that they have) and the internet were working much better today than yesterday.  I am learning more about the trials and tribulations of the new PM of the UK than I ever wanted to know.

And now, back to food.  I ordered my favorite French Onion Soup and the Buttermilk fried chicken for dinner.  I did not order dessert because I did not eat the cake at lunch, so I already had it.

Another day with movies I have never heard of and/or had no desire to watch.  I spent the evening listening to music on my phone and starting a new pair of socks (the ones with the yarn that does not repeat).  I also was able to watch some of the live presentation my local yarn shop (Center of the Yarniverse) does on Facebook every Wednesday.

At 10 it was time to take another do-it-yourself Covid test.  It was negative just like last night.  If their test on Thursday is positive, I am going to throw a fit and demand a re-do!

Smooth sailing until next time!

The above are my views of Arrecife taken from my dirty window with my 40x zoom camera.

I've crossed off all the days, hopefully freedom is right around the corner!


  1. So sorry about the inaccurate testing date. Sounds like you are trying to make the best of it! Finished my 2 days of the internal radiation! Rang the bell saying I was finished cancer treatment! Yeehaw! 2 consecutive negative tests is a great sign! Hoping you break free tomorrow! Keep the posts coming! I love them. Take care, xoxo

    1. So glad you have finished your treatment and all is well. Did you take a picture of the “pasta”? I can’t sleep anticipating today could be freedom day!

    2. I do have pictures! I will share when you are back! Enjoy your day of freedom!


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