Tuesday, November 29, 2022

A Five-Star Day - November 29

Why was it a five-star day?  Yesterday was my 500-day mark, which means I am now a Five-Star Mariner in HAL's loyalty program.  I received a card on my door to come get my new key card.  There isn't a lot more perks being 5* than 4*.  You get "up to $30" credit toward an internet package, a free day pass to the Thermal Suite at the spa, and (the best in my opinion) two free dinners in Pinnacle Grill, Canaletto, or Tamarind.  

The weather has finally turned warm again with a high around 80 degrees.  Instead of crafts, I went for a swim.  The water was warmer than bath water, so it was not refreshing.  There were also too many people in the pool for me to do laps.

After 4pm trivia, I sat out on one of the deck chairs on the Promenade deck and crocheted for a little and then walked my laps around the deck.

Everyone present for dinner and we discussed the situation in Luanda, Angola.  We received a very detailed letter about being careful ashore.  I am not going anywhere by myself and may not even get off the ship.

Finally nice enough for an evening stroll around the deck.

Luanda tomorrow.

1pm trivia (very hard) - we had 6 out of 18 and two teams had 9

1.  Zythology is the study of what?

2.  For what crime was Paul McCartney deported from Germany?

3.  How many time zones in Cuba?

4.  What is the most mentioned beverage during prime-time TV in the US and Canada?

5.  What was the name of the ice cream released by Baskin-Robbins in 1969 to commemorate the moon walk?

1.  the study of beer

2.  arson

3.  one

4.  coffee

5.  Lunar Cheesecake

4pm trivia - We had 9 out of 17 and the winning team had 10

1.  How many states does Mexico have?

2.  What is a group of polar bears called?

3.  Chorizo sausage originated in which country?

4.  What is the second longest river in the world?

5.  What is alektorophobia the fear of?

1.  32

2.  sleuth

3.  Spain

4.  Amazon

5.  chickens

Smooth sailing until next time!

Five-star notice

letter about Luanda

Christmas decorations continue to multiply

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