Monday, October 17, 2022

Day 3 of Solitary Confinement - Sunday, October 16

I have gotten into the bad habit of eating breakfast.  This morning I ordered the bread pudding (I don't really consider it breakfast food but it is on the breakfast menu every day).  Normally, I don't care for HAL's bread pudding.  It is served in the Lido and is usually set out and becomes dry.  But, I decided to give it another try and I am glad I did.  It was delicious - still warm with plenty of that creamy stuff they pour over it.  Not only was it good but it really filled me up and I had no desire for lunch (what, me?).

With my lack of sleep last night, I did something else I seldom do - take a nap.  It felt good at the time but played havoc with my sleep (more about that later).

I am walking while listening to my playlist on my phone (and singing along - apologies to anyone passing my cabin while I am singing).  I usually walk to 2 or 3 songs and that gets me about 500 steps.  I only made 4.25 miles today.

Dinner was also tasty - crab/shrimp cocktail, Chicken Cordon Bleu, and a sticky toffee pudding.

Throughout the day I alternated my usual reading, knitting/crocheting, and working/playing on the computer.

In the evening I watched two movies - Sonic, the Hedgehog and Onward.  I have now watched more movies in three days as I've watched in the last three years.  The last time I was in a theater was on a ship (Amsterdam) on the 2018 World Voyage.  No idea when I was last in a theater on land.

I went to bed at 12:15 and fell asleep somewhere after 1:10 and slept for about 3 hours before waking up and not being able to go back to sleep.  Fell asleep again around 6 and slept till 9:45.

Smooth sailing until next time!

Great dinner!

Slowly, but surely


  1. Halfway there 🤞! Have you tried listening to audiobooks or podcasts while you walk/knit to pass the time? Still feeling well with no symptoms? Any puzzles on board they can bring you?

    1. I listen to my playlist and sing along (horrors!). Still feel fine. I will take my first do-it -yourself test tonight to see how I'm doing before their real test later.

  2. Hey, maybe you could do burpees! That's what I did last world cruise on sea days. I have a hard time picturing you walking back and forth in your cabin. I'd get dizzy...

    1. I would be in the hospital with two broken knees!

  3. Oh Kathi, I feel for you — my son, a musician on the Z, was quarantined a few months back. I’m glad you have a good wifi connection and internet pals sending you questions. If you have an email address I can send you a link to my videos of the Ocean Bar Band that I took last month so you can have your own dose of the Zaandam entertainment package LOL. Hope you continue to feel OK and are liberated in time for the ports you want to see!


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