Saturday, October 8, 2022

 The first step...

My daughter picked me up at 5am and took me to the airport.  I had to fly to Atlanta and change planes to get to Fort Lauderdale.  Both flights were uneventful.  One plane was completely full and the other had just a handful of empty seats.  Both flights were about 75 minutes and were on time.  The only bad part was as we descended to land in Fort Lauderdale, my ears did not pop.  As I am writing this five hours later, I still can hardly hear out of my left ear.  The right one is better than that but still not the way it should be.  I googled the problem and found lots of home remedies - none of them worked for me.  I am hoping I will wake up tomorrow back to normal. 

Since I did not sleep at all Friday night before the flight (I never do), I usually take a short nap when I get into my room.  This time I was wide awake and after unpacking some things, I decided to go for a walk.  I walked all around the area (never have seen so many stores that design yachts!).  I wanted to find a place to have dinner tomorrow.  There was a Mexican-Spanish restaurant in one of the shopping centers so I think that is what I will do.  I walked three miles and then had dinner at Panera.

It has been mostly overcast all afternoon with humidity that must be at 100%.  When you walk outside it is like going into a steam bath.  I was considering swimming after dinner, but I don't think I have the energy.  Tomorrow is supposed to be a mixture of sun and clouds with a chance of a thunderstorm, so I think I will get a chance to swim.

Update:  Shortly after finishing this post, I totally crashed.  I was watching the news and couldn't keep my eyes open.  At 7pm I fell asleep and slept until 10:30. (My ear was still stuffed up.)  Watched the late news and Saturday Night Live and then going back to bed.

Smooth sailing until next time!

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