Evicted - January 9
Early in the morning, I was visited by Dr. Occy’s partner. He said I had two choices - either to go to a rehab center or go home. The idea of going to the rehab center was to have intensive physical therapy which might relieve the pain. I questioned whether intensive physical therapy could possibly increase the pain in the short term. I did not want to chance that. So I am going home.
I started checking JetBlue flights because they are the only carrier that has direct flights between Richmond and Fort Lauderdale. There was space on the Wednesday ones and so I then called my daughter. She’s going to fly down on the morning direct flight, spend the day here helping me, and then we will fly back on the evening direct flight which arrives in Richmond just after 11 PM.
The plan for Monday and Tuesday was to work on increasing my ability to sit in a chair for long periods of time and work out a short term pain plan so I will be able to do that as well as to get on and off the plane.
A great physical therapist named Ruth came and helped me this morning. She showed me some exercises to do, some helps in walking around, got the back brace on correctly, and generally gave me the confidence that I can do this. We did a test run with me sitting in the chair for a while - two hours actually - and then taking pain pills and doing a lap around the floor which wasn’t too bad. When I came back, however, I was exhausted. I got into the bed and slept for a couple hours. I sat in the chair for dinner and to watch a little bit of news after dinner (all wearing the back brace).
Dr. Maimi came by to check on me and told me the best thing to do (since I don’t have an oncologist or even a confirmed diagnosis) was to go to the emergency room of a good hospital when I get home and complain of back pain and I can get the process going. She also said that I needed to have more biopsies done to pinpoint what kind of cancer it is. The amount Dr. Klinger was able to do was not enough of an area to get a good reading. I am feeling much more confident now having a plan of action.
I expect Tuesday to be very similar to today.
Once again I want to give my heartfelt thanks to all of you who continue to read my reports and send me love and prayers. It really helps me to get through this trying ordeal. Love to you all.❤💘💗💖